Friday, November 13, 2020

WHO assembles team of experts to trace SARS-CoV-2

The World Health Organization's plan to investigate the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic involves epidemiologists, virologist -More

400-pound gorilla gets endoscopic ultrasound

Baraka, the 400-pound leader of the western lowland gorilla troop at Smithsonian National Zoo, was the center of attention Th -More

Walmart, Chewy make further inroads into veterinary care

Walmart, which opened in-store veterinary clinics and an online pet pharmacy last year, is now offering pet insurance and dog -More

Seal pup found injured and starving is back at sea

A gray seal that was about a month old when she was found in February at Dewey Beach, Del., returned to the sea this week at  -More

Wait-and-see is wrong approach for horse's swollen leg


Can wolves guard Yellowstone's gates against CWD?

Preliminary results of a study in Yellowstone National Park suggest that the park's wolf packs are helping prevent chronic wa -More

Black bear caught with hand in the honey jar

A family in Hope Valley, R.I., repositioned their security cameras to find out who had destroyed their honeybee hives and cau -More